Larcopyle augusti
Lazarus et al., 2005
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Derivation of name: In reference to the extended external shell or mantle, which gives this form a ‘majestic dignity or grandeur’ (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).
Holotype: Plate 8, figs 1, 2; 751A-9-5,98 #1 (Late Miocene, Kerguelen). Museum für Naturkunde, Mikropaläontologie No. ECO-21.
Description: The sub-cylindrical skeleton is about 150 µm long. There is an unusually large distance between the outer wall and the central layers of the shell. In many specimens the outer wall is absent, either due to breakage or incomplete development. The central shell shows caps, which are arranged one on top of the other, so the shell looks like a biconcave lens in cross- section. The thin outer wall is perforated by large circular pores of irregular size, which lack frames. It is connected with the central shell by long spines. A pylome is not obvious. Late Miocene specimens become more spongy.
Occurrence: Middle Miocene–Late Miocene. Remarks. As noted under L. pylomaticus, L. augusti appears to evolve into L. pylomaticus in the Late Miocene. Transitional forms are noted separately in the range chart (Table 1). | Lazarus et al. 2005 |