Spongodiscus setosus
(Dreyer, 1889)
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Characteristic spongy skeleton: in middle there is spherical thickening encircled by thick plate (reminiscent of planet Saturn). Spongy tissue of hell very coarse; density of skeletal cross-pieces (lattice size) fairly uniform in center of shell and at its margins. No radial pieces could be seen. Surface even of largest most fully formed specimens (Figure 20, V) rough, but with noticeable spines all over shell, although true radial needles never present. In one place spongy tissue with hole in shape of funnel, running through radius into depth of disk (Figure 20, V); such a pylome* not detected in all specimens, but only in the largest. Growth of shell proceeding by constant growth of spongy mass. Therefore there is considerable age variability, having effect primarily on size of shell. Dimensions: diameter of disk up to 300 μ and more; thickness of central spherical part 120 — 150 μ, thickness of marginal part of disk about 30 μ, width of skeletal lattice spaces 5 — 8 μ.
Found by Popovskii in plankton of the Antarctic in 0 — 385 and 0 — 400-m hauls. Found by Dreyer in sediments (station 157 of the "Challenger"). In our material constantly encountered in sediments in both the Indian and Pacific Ocean sectors (Figure 87, II). In deepwater oceanic sediments shells constitute less than 1% and in sediment of Antarctic shelf 2 —3%, in places even more than 5%. This species has a northern limit to its distribution in the sediments of the region of research (Figure 87, II).
Spongodiscus (?) setosus (Dreyer) Petrushevskaya 1967 Figure 20, III —V
Spongopyle setosa Dreyer, 1889, p. 43, Plate VI, Figures 97, 98. —
Spongotrochus antarcticus Dreyer, 1889, p. 55. —
Spongodiscus favus Ehrenberg var. maxima Popofsky, 1908, pp. 226—227, Plate XXVI, Figure 4. —
Spongotrochus glacialis Popofsky, Riedel, 1958, pp.227 -228 (in part).
| Petrushevskaya 1967 |