Echinomma sphaerechinus
Haeckel, 1887
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Echinomma spherechinus Cortical shell thin walled, with irregular, roundish pores, twice to five times as broad as the bars; live to seven on the radius. Both medullary shells with regular, circular pores, twice as broad as the bars. Radial proportion of the three spheres = 1 : 2 : 4. Surface covered with thirty to fifty pyramidal main spines, as long as the diameter of the inner shell, and with numerous small conical by-spines of half the length. Dimensions.-Diameter of the outer shell 0.11, middle 0.05, inner 0.025; cortical pores 0.01 to 0.02, bars 0.004; length of the main spines 0.03, basal breadth 0.005. Habitat.-North Atlantic, Station 353, surface. | Haeckel 1887 |