Perichlamidium praetextum
(Ehrenberg, 1844)
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Flustrella praetexta
Fl. cellularum circulis concentricis limbo latissimo basi tantum radiato amplius poroso ornata. Diam. disci 1/35''', cum limbo1/16'''. Caltanisetta.
| Ehrenberg 1844 | Perichlamydium praetextum All rings of the disk (three to four) concentric, circular, of equal breadth, with interrupted (not piercing) radial beams. Equatorial girdle without radial beams, nearly as broad as the disk; its circular pores of the same size as those of the disk; about two pores on the breadth of each ring. Dimensions.-Diameter of the disk (without the girdle, with four rings) 0.11 ; breadth of each ring 0.012; breadth of the girdle 0.06 to 0.1; pores 0.004. Habitat.-Cosmopolitan ; -Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, surface; also fossil in the Tertiary rocks of Barbados and Sicily.
| Haeckel 1887 |