Carposphaera subbotinae
Borisenko, 1958
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Carposphaera subbotinae Description: Holotype n°10, collection KF VNII. The spherical skeleton consists of two porous spheres. The outer, thin-walled sphere with round, large pores which are radially distributed. Thick-walled inner sphere; the large, round pores are irregularly distributed. Measurements: The diameter of outer sphere 252µ, 234µ, 234µ; diameter of inner sphere 180µ, 162µ, 162µ; distance between spheres 36µ, 36µ; diameter of pores of the sphere 10µ-17µ. Variability: The structure of the porous spheres is similar in all our specimens. The outer diameters of the skeleton are subject to slight variations within the range of 18µ. Comparative remarks: Carposphaera subbotinae sp. nov. differs from C.usunensis Lip. (5, p.55, Pl.I, Figs. 4, 5) in the diameter of the sphere as well as in the structure of the pores. In our specimens the diameter of the inner sphere is much greater than in the species known in the literature. The pores are more regular in outline and distributed in a radial, concentric order in contrast to the irregularly spaced and irregularly shaped pores of various size in the species mentioned in the literature. Occurences: Frequently encountered in the Iljsk series. Balka Kipyachaya (Seversky area), Akhtyrsko-Bugundyrsk (Abinsk area), Beslineevsko-Shedoksk (Psebaisk area) and Krasnodark district. | Borisenko 1958 | Cortical shell spherical, thin-walled, with thorny surface and circular to subcircular pores regular to irregular in size and arrangement. Medullary shell large, generally similar to cortical shell but with pores about 30 per cent smaller in diameter, attatched to the cortical shell by numerous (perhaps 30-40) radial bars which do not extend beyond the shell surface.
Measurements (based on 15 specimens from 86-7,CC; 86-8-3; 86-8-4; and 86-8,CC). Diameter of cortical shell 180-240µ, of medullary shell 105-130µ. Distance between centers of pores of cortical shell 15-22.5 µ.
This species is distinguished by its large medullary shell. There is some similarity to Haliomma entactinia (Ehrenberg 1873, p. 235; 1875, pl. 26, fig.4), but we have not been able to determine whether the two species are identical. | Riedel and Sanfilippo 1973 |