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Anthocyrtidium ophirense

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Benson, R.N., 1966. Recent Radiolaria from the Gulf of California. Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, 577 pp.
Benson, R.N., 1983. Quaternary Radiolarians from the Mouth of the Gulf of California, Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Lewis, B.T.R., Robinson, P. et al. [eds]. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 65: 491-523.
Bjørklund, K.R. and de Ruiter, R., 1987. Radiolarian preservation in eastern Mediterranean anoxic sediments. Marine Geology, vol. 75: 271-281.
Bjørklund, K.R., 1973. Radiolarians from the surface sediment in Lindåspollene, western Norway. Sarsia, vol. 53: 71-75.
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Casey, R. E., 1971b. Radiolarians as indicators of past and present water-masses. In: Funnell, B.M., and Riedel, W. R., [eds.], The Micropaleontology of Oceans. Cambridge University Press, 331-341.
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McMillen, K.J., 1976. Ecology, distribution, and preservation of polycystine Radiolaria in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, Houston: 123 pp.
Molina-Cruz, A., 1977a. Radiolarian assemblages and their relationship to the oceanography of the subtropical Southeastern Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 2: 315-352.
Molina-Cruz, A., 1982. Radiolarians in the Gulf of California: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64. In: Curray, J.R., Moore, D.G., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports. DSDP (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 64: 983-1002.
Nigrini, C. and Caulet, J. P., 1988. The genus Anthocyrtidium [Radiolaria] from the tropical late Neogene of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Micropaleontology, vol. 34, no. 4, 341-360.
Nigrini, C. and Moore, T.C., 1979. A guide to modern Radiolaria. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication, vol. 16: 1-248.
Nigrini, C., 1967. Radiolaria in pelagic sediments from the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California Press, California, vol. 11: 1-125.
Nigrini, C., 1970. Radiolarian assemblages in the North Pacific and their application to a study of Quaternary sediments in core V20-130. In: Hays, J.D. [ed.], Geological Investigations of the North Pacific, Geological Society of America. Memoir, 126: 139-183.
Nishimura, A. and Yamauchi, M., 1984a. Radiolarians from the Nankai Trough in the Northwest Pacific. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume 6: 1-148.
Petrushevskaya, M.G., and Koslova, G.E., 1972. Radiolaria: Leg 14, Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Hayes, D.E., Pimm, A.C., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, D.C. (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 14: 495-648.
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Renz, G.W., 1974. Radiolaria from Leg 27 of the Deep Sea Drilling Poject. In: Veevers, J.J., Heirtzler, J.R., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports of the Deep Dea Drilling Project (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 27: 769-841.
Renz, G.W., 1976. The distribution and ecology of Radiolaria in the Central Pacific: plankton and surface sediments,. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (San Diego), University of California Press, vol. 22: 1-267.
Riedel, W.R., 1957a. Radiolaria: A preliminary stratigraphy. Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition, 1947-1948, Petterson, H. [ed.], Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag (Göteborg), Sweden, vol. 6 (3): 59-96.
Takahashi, K. and Honjo, S., 1981. Vertical flux of Radiolaria: A taxon-quantitative sediment trap study from the western tropical Atlantic. Micropaleontology, vol. 27 (2): 140-190.
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van de Paverd, P. J., 1995. Recent Polycystine Radiolaria from the Snellius-II Expedition. Ph.D. thesis, Center for Marine Earth Science (the Netherlands) and Paleontological Museum in Oslo (Norway), 351 pp.











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