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Peromelissa phalacra

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Benson, R.N., 1966. Recent Radiolaria from the Gulf of California. Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, 577 pp.
Benson, R.N., 1983. Quaternary Radiolarians from the Mouth of the Gulf of California, Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. In: Lewis, B.T.R., Robinson, P. et al. [eds]. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 65: 491-523.
Boltovskoy, D. and Riedel, W.R., 1980. Polycystine Radiolaria from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean plankton. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, vol. 12: 99-146.
Boltovskoy, D. and Riedel, W.R., 1987. Polycystine Radiolaria of the California Current region: seasonal and geographic patterns. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 12: 65-104.
Boltovskoy, D., 1998. Classification and distribution of South Atlantic Recent polycystine Radiolaria. Palaeontologia Electronica, vol. 1 (2): 116pp.
Casey, R. E., 1971b. Radiolarians as indicators of past and present water-masses. In: Funnell, B.M., and Riedel, W. R., [eds.], The Micropaleontology of Oceans. Cambridge University Press, 331-341.
Haeckel, E., 1887. Report on the Radiolaria collected by the H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 18, 1803 pp.
McMillen, K.J., 1976. Ecology, distribution, and preservation of polycystine Radiolaria in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, Houston: 123 pp.
Petrushevskaya, M.G., 1971b. Radiolyarii Nassellaria v planktone Mirovogo Okeana. Issledovaniya Fauny Morei, Nauka, Leningrad, vol. 9 (17): 1-294 . [In Russian].
Popofsky, A., 1913. Die Nassellarien des Warmwassergebietes. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition (1901-1903), vol. 14: 217-416.
Renz, G.W., 1974. Radiolaria from Leg 27 of the Deep Sea Drilling Poject. In: Veevers, J.J., Heirtzler, J.R., et al. [eds.], Initial Reports of the Deep Dea Drilling Project (U.S. Government Printing Office), vol. 27: 769-841.
Takahashi, K. and Honjo, S., 1981. Vertical flux of Radiolaria: A taxon-quantitative sediment trap study from the western tropical Atlantic. Micropaleontology, vol. 27 (2): 140-190.
Takahashi, K., 1991a. Radiolaria: flux, ecology, and taxonomy in the Pacific and Atlantic. Ocean Biocoenosis, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Massachusetts), Series 3: 303 pp.
van de Paverd, P. J., 1995. Recent Polycystine Radiolaria from the Snellius-II Expedition. Ph.D. thesis, Center for Marine Earth Science (the Netherlands) and Paleontological Museum in Oslo (Norway), 351 pp.











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