Porous (1-6) and cellular (7-10) structura of external skeleton sphere of the subfamilies Astroentactiniinae, Bientactinosphaerinae and Entactiniinae
Upper Devonian: fig. 1-5, 7-10 - Middle Frasnian, Domanik Formation; fig. 6 - Famennian. Borehole Shuda-Yag-1003: fig. 1, 2 - sample 8 (depth 120.9-124 m), fig. 8 - sample 29 (depth 105-106 m), fig. 9 - sample 72 (depth 71.9-72.4 m); the Domanik River, outcrop 21, sample 38: fig. 3; the Ukhta River: fig. 4, 7 - sampling site no. 4, sample V-29; fig. 5 - sampling site no. 2, sample 1m; borehole Zapadnaya Lekkeyaginskaya-65: fig. 6 - sample 86g (depth 2460-2467 m); borehole Ukhtinskaya-3B: fig. 10 - sample 114 (depth 104.2-104.7 m).
1. Rounded (1) and angular-rounded (2) pores with intrapore denticles
Fig. 1. Astroentactinia crassata Nazarov, FF-P001/050-04124 (bar=20µm).
Fig. 2. Astroentactinia paronae (Hinde), FF-P001/047-04013 (=20µm).
2. Oval-rounded (3, 4) and angular-rounded (5, 6) pores with false pore fannels
Fig. 3. Bientactinosphaera obtusa (Hinde), FF-P001/134-13028 (=15µm).
Fig. 4. Entactinia herculea Foreman, FF-P001/035-13323 (=10µm).
Fig. 5. Bientactinosphaera miletenkoi Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/022-13933 (=15µm).
Fig. 6. Bientactinosphaerapinica Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/045-12823 (=20µm).
3. Cellular structura of external skeleton sphere of the genus Ornatoentactinia (7-10)
Fig. 7. Ornatoentactinia solita Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/043-13126 (=15µm).
Fig. 8. Ornatoentactinia spinisica Afanasieva, sp. nov., FF-P001/105-04327 (=10µm).
Fig. 9, 10. Ornatoentactinia spartaci Afanasieva, sp. nov.: 9 - FF-P001/052-08525 (=15µm); 10 - FF-P001/052-09225 (=15µm). |