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van de Paverd 1995

Plate 51
The 100 µm scale bar applies to all figures.

Fig. 1, 2. Tholospironium venustum (Bailey). BSS 28B(II), Fig. la,b: Same specimen at different angles; fig. 2: BSS 34B(F) EF H31.

Fig. 3-6. Perichlamydium wirchowii. BSS 28B(III/38), BSS 25B(F) EF N34, BSS 26B(F) EF U58 and IOW 138(F). In fig. 3, an opening is visible at approximately 50 gm from the center of the shell, i.e. the same distance where other specimens (e.g. fig. 4) start branching. Fig. 4 shows an extremely delicate patagium. Fig 5 is a lateral view (also with patagium), not to be confused with members of Amphimenium or Tessarastrum.

Fig. 7-10. Tricranastrum sp. 1 (fig. 7) and 2 (figs. 8-10). IOW 156(F), BSW 47(F) EF W38, BSS 28B(VII/1211) and IOW 138(F).