Conference InterRad Radfolks Email List Newsletter Previous InterRad meetings |
Since 1978, InterRad has convened conferences every three years in which a wide range of research papers have been presented. MembershipAnyone can join InterRad for a membership fee of GBP 10 per year. The fee is mainly used to assist students to attend InterRad conferences. Membership queries and subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer. Changes of address should be sent to the Secretary.
Radfolks Email ListThis list is meant to provide an email forum to researchers working on radiolarians (siliceous microfossils). It provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and ask questions, information on meetings/conferences/publications, and pretty much anything else related to radiolarian research.Radfolks is a moderated email list for InterRad members and others interested in radiolarian research. It is currently based at GNS Science in Lower Hutt (New Zealand), and was previously hosted at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven and at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego. It is a closed list, i.e. only members on the list may post directly. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the list, send an e-mail containing the word "subscribe" in the subject field to: radfolks-list@lists.gns.cri.nz To post a message on the list, send an e-mail to: radfolks-list@lists.gns.cri.nz File attachments are allowed, but limited to 4 Mb in size. The list can also be perused through a web browser, and this usage provides also an automated online archive (and possibilities for personalize your settings, including subscribing/unsubscribing) at: http://lists.gns.cri.nz/mailman/listinfo/radfolks-list
There is also an email-based interface
(just as it has always been the case till now...) for users of the list.
You can get info about using it by sending a message
with just the word `help' as subject or in the body, to:
Radiolaria Newsletter Newsletter of the International Association of Radiolarists (Password protected. Contact jane@radiolaria.org for access to radpeople) |