Standard formatting of text To ensure the consistency of the information in this database it is important that it is written in a standard format.* Name: Fill in the name of the species name (e.g. Cycladophora davisiana). The system will automatically write this in italic. * Author(s) If one author write: last name (e.g. Ehrenberg). If two authors write: last name and last name (e.g. Nigrini and Moore) If three authors or more write: last name of first author et al. (e.g. Bjørklund et al.) * Year Use four numbers (e.g. 1862). * Type Check of one of the following Nassellaria, Spumellaria or Phaeodaria. This will decide where the species will be displayed on the web page. Original description or other Description When adding a species please also include the original description or another description that has earlier been published. It is important that this is correctly quoted. If you have this already in a text-file you can easily copy this and paste it into the form-box. * Distribution The distribution is automatically selected. It can easily be changed by using the pull-down menu. It is also possible to add to this later when the species is "published" on the site. * Synonym When adding a species with name, author, and year be sure to also use this information under the first synonym. * Plate/figure If only plate write: pl. 2 If plate and figure write: pl. 2, fig. 1 If plate and figures write: pl. 2, figs. 1-6 If several plates and figures write: pl. 2, figs. 1-6; pl. 4, fig. 3 If only figure(s) write: fig. 2 (or figs. 2-4) If only page write: p. 297 * References * Author(s) If one author write: last name, first name initial(s) (e.g. Ehrenberg, C.G.). If two authors write: last name, first name initial(s) and last name, first name initial(s) (e.g. Nigrini, C. and Moore, T.C.) If three authors or more write: last name, first name initial(s) of all authors (e.g. Bjørklund, K. R., Cortese, G., Swanberg, N. and Schrader, H.J.) * Year If the same author(s) has been mentioning the same species in more than one article the same year, this can be noted by adding a, b, c etc. behind the year (e.g. 2000a) * Publisher [with volume and page] Write e.g..: Marine Micropaleontology, 35: 105-140 Web link When adding a web link please include a title and short description in additional to the url. Note that the url must include http:// e.g. http://www.radiolaria.org |