About radiolaria.org
 Species list
 Mystery rad
 Radiolarian art
 Hall of fame

InterRad XVI
Will be held in Ljubljana, 2021

Radiolaria.org is an online database containing information about radiolarians - fossil and recent, with images, descriptions, references, synonyms and links to other online resources. more...
What are Radiolarians
Radiolaria are holoplanktonic protozoa widely distributed in the oceans. They occur throughout the water column from near surface to hundreds of meters depth. As with many planktonic organisms, their abundance in a geographical region is related to quality of the water mass, including such variables as temperature, salinity, productivity, and available nutrients. more...

Radiolarian Art
Radiolarians have been an inspiration for many artists. These pages show examples of their works. more...

Michael Foster
Robert Kraus

 What are radiolarians
 Quaternary radiolarians
 Tertiary radiolarians
Radiolarian species info:

  I.C.S. Time Scale

International Code on
Zoological Nomenclature

Webmasters: Jane K. Dolven - jane@radiolaria.org | Hans Skjerpen - hans@one.no (2000-2023)