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Echinomma delicatulum

Reference - Add synonym and reference
Chen, P. H., 1975b. Antarctic Radiolaria. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 28, Hayes, D. E., Frakes, L. A., et al. [eds.], Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 437-513.
Dogiel, V.A. and Reschetnjak, V.V., 1952. Material on Radiolarians of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Issledovanya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR, vol. 3: 5-36.
Petrushevskaya, M. G., 1969a. Raspredelenie skeletov radiolyarii v osadkakh Severnoi Atlantiki [Distribution of radiolarian skeletons in the sediments of the North Atlantic]. Iskopaemye i Sovreminnye Radiolyarii: Materialy vtorogo vsesoyuznogo seminara po radiolyariyam [Fossil and Recent Radiolarians: Materials of the Second All Union Seminar on Radiolarians], Vyalov, O. S. [ed.], Izdatelstvo Lvovskogo Universiteta [Lvov Unive.
Riedel, W.R., 1958. Radiolaria in Antarctic sediments. B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition Reports, Series B, vol. 6 (10): 217-255.











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